Utzenstorf K.R. Pfiffner AG Headquarter Sonnmattstrasse 28 CH-3427 Utzenstorf
+41 32 666 35 35 info@pfiffner.com
Zimmern o.R.K.R. Pfiffner GmbHHeubergstrasse 6DE-78658 Zimmern o.R.
+49 741 92 88 0 info@pfiffner.de
Offenburg K.R. Pfiffner GmbH Witzig & Frank Am Holderstock 2 DE-77652 Offenburg
+49 781 289 0 info@witzig-frank.com
We're ready to help in Germany and Switzerland (and the rest of the world).
Pfiffner Switzerland
Witzig & Frank
Pfiffner Germany
In order to be even closer to our customers, in addition to our headquarter in Utzenstorf and sites in Offenburg and Zimmern o.R., we have sales representatives to assist us.
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Pfiffner service Switzerland +41 32 666 37 77 service@pfiffner.com
Germany +49 741 92 88-100 service@pfiffner.de
Witzig & Frank service +49 781 289-1000 service@witzig-frank.com